God's Creation

God's Creation

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Genesis 3 Part 2

Continuing where we left off we get to the first curse of God.  An interesting idea popped into my head about God's Word, Will, and Power.  A curse God puts on something CANNOT be erased, it is the same power that was used in creation.  Only God Word again can effect or nullify the curses he puts on something.  He curses livestock and all animals, and apparently serpeant's had legs back in this day ;) 15 however isn't the snakes of the field, but the great deciever Satan's curse...  The offspring part is me speculating, please feel free to correct me.  This could be a messianic prophecy since Christ had no earthly father, but a earthly mother (emphasis on enmity between yours and hers.)  ACTUALLY IT IS A MESSIANIC PROPHECY!  Read John 8:44 to understand what Satan's seed is.  THIS IS AWESOME.  Paul has a play on words in Romans 16:20- "And the God of Peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. Bite at the heel? Strike at the head?  THAT IS AWESOME! in verse 16 it will now be painful for woman to bear children. The theology is because Eve birthed sin in eating the apple, she births the "Sin Gene" if you will into the children of the world as well.  Sin continues messing up everything in the rest of 16 when it says Your desire will be for your husband, and he shall rule.  The idea is that the relationship that was in perfect order back in Genesis 2:24 is now messed up, and man and woman will fight and need divine help in their marriage.  Woman will want to reign supreme over their husbands, but because of man's image, he will reign supreme (Ephesians 5:22-25.)  The ground is cursed in in 17 and 18 making the vegetatioon of the world much harder to grow than before, man would have to work increasingly hard and things like weeds and thorns now exsisted when they didn't before. And in 19, God makes a play on words: "Return to the ground" means physical death. Ok so God's curse may seem harsh but keep in mind something, man turned his back on God, and then instead of repenting he blames God.  Has anyone here ever played the game Black and White?  It is a computer game where you are a God and you can be evil or good, and you make the creatures and go to war with other Gods.  It is a messed up game, but the fact that in this game you play God, you pretty much get to see how good of a God you would be.  You can force the people to do anything, from higher offerings and making statues to throwing them millions of feet above the earth's crust, people are literally nothing to you, you can always create more.....  See where I am getting at here?  People get this idea that God is unjust and unloving and unfair to them by this curse... Which I say to them remember your place in the Universe. If one of us were God like in that game, we would have a very messed up bible.  We wouldn't stand a chance, first off.  ex. Adam sinned against ME??? REALLY!!!! *throw* *makes T-Rex eat Eve...* *Makes another one* again those that think that; don't get the grace and mercy of God. for he allows us to live even in our sin.  In verse 21 you get a symbolic prophecy of redemption.  We now have to cover ourselves to bear the sinful nature inside of us.  Also note that God made the tunics, not man.  That is HUGE.  God provides a way out for man, not man by his works.  And if you take it another step further, the first thing that had to die in the old testament (or have it's blood shed, which was a necessary part of it all according to Hebrews 9:22), was totally innocent to the sinful nature portion of her story.  And it wasn't man either, but a substitution, isn't this verse amazing?  3:22 Don't miss out on the epic line of  "the man is now like one of us."  NOT TO BE CONFUSED, God is perfect in morals and Omniscience, man only has this knowledge because of his personal experience.  Finally something I thought was amazing as a kid was the Angel that guards Eden with a flaming sword!  The cherubim is found in one other part of scripture, and there is 2 of them.  In Exodus 25:18-22 they guard the Holy of Holies in the tabernacle.  WHEW!!!  Chapter 3 was a doozie!  I say we give God a round of applause for being merciful and loving enough to allow humanity to continue on.  May blessings rain from the father of lights my brothers and sisters.  Peace

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Genesis 3 Part 1

Genesis 3 more theology, The Fall, Satan's appearance, and the outcomes of it all.. This can be looked at as the worst chapter in the bible, and in human history.  If you have ever felt like God can't love you because your to bad of a person this chapter should help you cope with your transgressions.  I have to answer 2 questions that may bother some believers, WHEN did Lucifer rebel against God? And perhaps the better question, WHY?????  Lucifer was an archangel, his name literally means in Hebrew "Shining one" get out of Genesis for now and go to Isaiah 14:12-17 and read about how he was referred to and particular his pride show in verses 14 and 15.... He says 5 I will's to show you the impudence and arrogance of his pride AGAINST God in heaven.  And in 15 you get the understanding of death to those who pridefully want to be just like God.  Which is exemplified in Genesis 3:5 which I am back into.  He took the form in his fall (right after creation) as a serpant (2 Corinthians 11:3) and we all know the story, Eve (not being with Adam at the time) was temptable, she never sinned, but she could reason out things.  There is an interesting note (as written by Paul in 2nd Corinthians 11:4) that because Eve seemed to respond to him so well, that though he appeared as a serpant, did he also appear as an angel of the light shortly afterwards?  Anyway, enough about Satan, let's jump ahead to verse 8, when they heard God walking, again the physical embodiment of God in man's form?  Either way, you get a rather contradictory statement of God looking not so omniscient in 3:9 when he asks "Where are you?"  If you read Psalms 139: 1-12 you learn that THEY CAN'T HIDE FROM GOD, NO ONE CAN.  This was God's way of getting them to confess, yet instead they didn't confess anything in 10.  So now we get MORE THEOLOGY in 11, we're gonna go on kind of a rabbit chase here.  God knew Adam and Eve ate from the tree, it was obvious in the change of their nature, he just wanted them to acknowledge it and repent.  This is actually a very merciful verse, God is dealing with sinners in the way that God does in awaiting repentance for the evil deeds you do, for God already knows them.  If God was Just in his Judgement and without Mercy, Adam and Eve would have been obliterated right there, God cannot be in the presence of Sin he cannot stand it, it is all that seperates him from his creation.  If you think all the blame gets put on Eve, then you never read verse 12.  Adam makes a last ditch and prideful effort of his reluctance in repenting; by putting the blame on God and Eve. And Adam wasn't tempted, think about that.  He wasn't decieved by Satan, Eve was (2nd Timothy 1:14).  Adam had no reason but his own for eating the fruit, so Adam is absolutely not blameless.  This is gonna be part 1 of 2, to many theological implications to try to get past.  I will have the rest finished by tomorrow morning, peace out brothers and sisters, and may the God of Mercy reveal himself in your lives.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Genesis 2 another long one

Alright onto part 2; we start off have a somewhat troubling idea of God having the need to rest in Genesis 2:2, but let's make one thing clear, this shouldn't be interpretted in the way of resting as in take a nap, but in the way a car rests at a stop light.  The car simply ceased moving (and isn't turned off), God simply ceased creating, there was nothing more he needed to create, he had claimed it all VERY GOOD.  In verse seven there is an underlying theological implication of man's worth to God, and that man shouldn't take pride in his physical earthly appearance, but that God took time to form you.  Man is all but dirt with life breathed into him, yet God, sovereign ruler over all, takes special care in weaving us... the word used is formed (Genesis 2:7)...  God being the ultimate craftsmen (read Psalms 139:14) That even from dirt, you are still worth tons to God, you are a quality lump of dirt!  Then later in 2:9 you get the two different trees, one being the Tree of Life, the name implies that this tree is special in giving eternal life, and it isn't the tree God commands not to eat from. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil implies this tree (gave humans) their morality, it was Eve's eagerness to obtain Godly Wisdom by being tricked into eating it by Satan.  It is also God's first trial to human's which Satan tricked us.  2:15 is God's way of making adam represent his image through work (the ground, at this point, wasn't cursed and Eden was literally translated as an Oasis, and gives it's exact coordinates of where it is.)  2:17 To die in this context is to be eternally seperated from God, not just physically but spiritually as well.  Later in 2:20 Adam is giving names which is believed to be man's dominion or "rule" over the animals, and as such Adam's first task.  Adam found not a suitable helper for himself and through some divine surgery by the Lord, he takes one of Adam's ribs (actually translated as "sides" this makes more sense that God got skin and bone to do his creating.)  And Adam was SOOOO happy with Eve he literaly makes the first poem ever!  Flesh of my flesh, bone of my bones she shall be called woman for she was taken out of man.  2:24 has some deep, and I mean deeep! Theological implications.  First off, this is the basic symbol of marriage between a man and woman, the way God has it intended.  Second this holy union founded by God is inseperable, in other words the words: become on flesh, and united to his wife indicate this cannot be undone.  Yes no divorce exsists through this union.  You can go continually deeper though, one flesh literally meant one physical body in all it's parts as a whole (read the grapes analogy found in Numbers 13:23), and the wholly 1 God in tri-unity (or as being described as one in Deuteronomy 6:4)  The first implication here is of course sexual implication, the becoming one flesh is the act of procreation.  But looking deeper, God did not constitute poligamy with this idea (despite much of the Old Testament leaders having many wives/concubines) but this is haha mono-igamy?  One Man, One Woman, becoming One through Marriage in Union through God.  This is God's ultimate design for us as humans in our marriage lives.  I think 2 is just to pack full of theology to be able to miss these things, I promise to start speeding this up soon, these first 2 chapters just have to much theology to pass up redily!

Genesis 1

Yeah we are gonna start at a snail's pace since Genesis 1 is perhaps the coolest story told in the bible, since I want to give this some of it's epic glory back to God!  So let's kick our pigs, bite our popsicles, roll up our nightgowns and go!!!  Genesis 1 is the Creation story, the whole Universe starts via ex nihilio.  A.K.A the Universe isn't eternal, but God isn't IN our universe, and that is the only way to be deistic (belief in God is the universe, if the Universe is eternal that belief is acceptable, but science has more than proven this theory false.)  Our Universe stars, with God apart of it, in Genesis 1, and the idea is captured that the universe was created and established, and life on earth began in the course of 6 days through God'sspoken word.  Again, this section requires TONS OF FAITH, and why the 6 day belief (making earth roughly 7 thousands years old) is pushed into scripture was after each day the Word says "there was evening and there was morning, the *insert day here* day."  So yes you heard me, the Universe was created by our God who exsists outside of time eternally (Psalms 90:2)  Also notice that God doesn't use anything other than his voice, his Word (your bible, if you want to take it that far) to create it.... WOAH that is ultimate power, our universe is amazing.  The very first thing created are the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1) in the beginning, that which isn't clearly explained, isn't to be taken out of the context that material stuff was there for God to work with, it was the beginning.  Next in verse 2 you get this idea that our earth had no real shape of any kind, some kind of strange floating water stuff, and dark...  totally barren as well, earth was basically a wreck.  the expression deep is often used by creationists evolutionist to be the primortial waters(goop which our ancestors crawled out of as fish), but there is no way of actually knowing that, or proving that.  In any case, you get a shapeless world, that has water, and dark and barren, not fit for God.  The Spirit of God is the Holy Spirit, yes.... God was 1 in 3 even in the beginning, the son even plays a vital role later. (Read Hebrews 1:2) Now into verse 3 God just speaks Light into exsistence, What is this Light?  Hard to say, it isn't given a real shape, but light is so fitting by God to make it, the first thing established by God is totally already pointing to the fall, Light is the closest embodiment of God's glory through creation, as found in (James 1:17, and even Daniel 2:22) and it seperates darkness from light.  Like God cannot be where darkness is, Sinners blackened souls cannot be with God either, unless something cleans that sin off allowing us to shine with our father, like Jesus's blood.  God creates a pattern in 1:4 and 5, he divides the stuff he makes into categories like darkness into night category and light into daytime category, and then names them.  This pattern was to show man how tohave dominion that God graces man with (Genesis 2:19, 20)  These are the important parts of the creation story, let's jump all the way to God creating Adam.  Something very important often overlooked happens in Genesis 1:26 God refers to himself as US, and OUR (that's a plural form of 1st person talk, God talks to himself being more than one, and he does this in creating Man's image.) 2 more of these happen in Genesis! 1 in Genesis 3:22, and another in Genesis 11:7.  God made man in his image (From dirt, there is actually ALOT of science to back this belief), which seperates man from the animals of the earth, cause this was the only personally created being that God made, and it indicates that man is required to commune through relationships, first being God of course.  In 27 he creates man and woman, both are divine in their design, but play different roles.  Also this correlates that neither can reproduce without the other, once again throwing evolution for a whirl!  That'll be it for today, not many chapters will be this epic, sorry!

Some more interesting points to be made in Genesis 1:
11: The Vegetables were fully grown because the seeds were alreadys inside of them, (also the prinicple of reproduction, which couldn't have been known to caveman at the time.)
11-12 according to its kind: this is to be ascribed as God made things the way they work, as well as the way they reproduce, and that is the only way the things will work.  Though God was speaking about vegetables, it goes with all aspects of creation.
14: God's busiest day, God made pretty much the entire universe on this day, including our worlds, stars and our sun and moon. These were to mark the seasons, and remember that pagan idol worship could come from planets, so God made every single God that any other man had worshipped in the ancient times!
22: The first of God's blessings
28 Though incredibly similar to the first blessing, this is God's second blessing They are both, be fruitful and multiply, but man's directions in the blessing were to rule over God's creation.
29-30  Very interesting, the curse that befalls man in Genesis 3 hadn't happened yet, this indicates that both man and animal were vegetarians up until then!
6: The firmament, what does that mean? And the underfirmament?
9-10 This scripture has awesome backup by Job 38:4-11!  This is totally awesome

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Genesis a rough outline of the book

Alright, I want all of the readers that read in my work to understand something.  I am no writer, I may make a few grammatical errors here and there, but I want this to be more about God and less about my grammar skills.  I am just a young college aged man who can't seem to relax his interest in the bible, and most importantly, on the Old Testament, since I feel it kind of get's left out a lot as being a part of God's Word.  Genesis is an EPIC masterpiece, but I understand something and I hope that the readers may understand it as well.  It takes ALOT of FAITH to really grasp alot of what the book is talking about to its readers.  It has incredible messages about how our faith works and about how God is to be magnified through the Works of man, and how God percieves righteousness, as well as how bad sin really is to God.  I want another thing to be addressed about Genesis, that the Greek originated term for Genesis version is "ex nihilo" which literally means "out of nothing."  3 HUGE events happen in this book, that set the main stage and course for the rest of the bible, as well as the world, in this book.  Those events are:  The fall of man and our sinful nature, The Judgement of Water via God's Flood (which actually explains much of the earth's atmospheric changes and mountain regions since the water level for days was incredibly high) and the dispersing of the Nation's of the ancient Kingdom's (our heritiage from just 3 men, and the divinine linking tracing back to Shem and the semites.)  That is really part one of Genesis, because from Abraham on the bible follows one group of people, and shows God's redemptive plan from Abraham to Jesus.  Genesis is really the mother of all bible books, without Genesis not much else of the bible makes any real sense.  One more thing to Note is that, while it isn't up for much debate, the supposed author of Genesis (supported by scriputer) is Moses.  So without further ado onto Genesis!  The greatest miracle of all... Creation :)