God's Creation

God's Creation

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Genesis 3 Part 2

Continuing where we left off we get to the first curse of God.  An interesting idea popped into my head about God's Word, Will, and Power.  A curse God puts on something CANNOT be erased, it is the same power that was used in creation.  Only God Word again can effect or nullify the curses he puts on something.  He curses livestock and all animals, and apparently serpeant's had legs back in this day ;) 15 however isn't the snakes of the field, but the great deciever Satan's curse...  The offspring part is me speculating, please feel free to correct me.  This could be a messianic prophecy since Christ had no earthly father, but a earthly mother (emphasis on enmity between yours and hers.)  ACTUALLY IT IS A MESSIANIC PROPHECY!  Read John 8:44 to understand what Satan's seed is.  THIS IS AWESOME.  Paul has a play on words in Romans 16:20- "And the God of Peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. Bite at the heel? Strike at the head?  THAT IS AWESOME! in verse 16 it will now be painful for woman to bear children. The theology is because Eve birthed sin in eating the apple, she births the "Sin Gene" if you will into the children of the world as well.  Sin continues messing up everything in the rest of 16 when it says Your desire will be for your husband, and he shall rule.  The idea is that the relationship that was in perfect order back in Genesis 2:24 is now messed up, and man and woman will fight and need divine help in their marriage.  Woman will want to reign supreme over their husbands, but because of man's image, he will reign supreme (Ephesians 5:22-25.)  The ground is cursed in in 17 and 18 making the vegetatioon of the world much harder to grow than before, man would have to work increasingly hard and things like weeds and thorns now exsisted when they didn't before. And in 19, God makes a play on words: "Return to the ground" means physical death. Ok so God's curse may seem harsh but keep in mind something, man turned his back on God, and then instead of repenting he blames God.  Has anyone here ever played the game Black and White?  It is a computer game where you are a God and you can be evil or good, and you make the creatures and go to war with other Gods.  It is a messed up game, but the fact that in this game you play God, you pretty much get to see how good of a God you would be.  You can force the people to do anything, from higher offerings and making statues to throwing them millions of feet above the earth's crust, people are literally nothing to you, you can always create more.....  See where I am getting at here?  People get this idea that God is unjust and unloving and unfair to them by this curse... Which I say to them remember your place in the Universe. If one of us were God like in that game, we would have a very messed up bible.  We wouldn't stand a chance, first off.  ex. Adam sinned against ME??? REALLY!!!! *throw* *makes T-Rex eat Eve...* *Makes another one* again those that think that; don't get the grace and mercy of God. for he allows us to live even in our sin.  In verse 21 you get a symbolic prophecy of redemption.  We now have to cover ourselves to bear the sinful nature inside of us.  Also note that God made the tunics, not man.  That is HUGE.  God provides a way out for man, not man by his works.  And if you take it another step further, the first thing that had to die in the old testament (or have it's blood shed, which was a necessary part of it all according to Hebrews 9:22), was totally innocent to the sinful nature portion of her story.  And it wasn't man either, but a substitution, isn't this verse amazing?  3:22 Don't miss out on the epic line of  "the man is now like one of us."  NOT TO BE CONFUSED, God is perfect in morals and Omniscience, man only has this knowledge because of his personal experience.  Finally something I thought was amazing as a kid was the Angel that guards Eden with a flaming sword!  The cherubim is found in one other part of scripture, and there is 2 of them.  In Exodus 25:18-22 they guard the Holy of Holies in the tabernacle.  WHEW!!!  Chapter 3 was a doozie!  I say we give God a round of applause for being merciful and loving enough to allow humanity to continue on.  May blessings rain from the father of lights my brothers and sisters.  Peace


  1. Jaxson, another great blog on genesis chapter 3. I totally agree with you. Even though God may have placed a curse on Adam & eve, he still decided to give mankind another chance by sending his only son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins. And because of that love he has for us, we can come to him in prayer and ask for His forgiveness and the bible says that; he is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And once we are forgiven, he takes away the curse and every sinful thing we have ever done and makes us new creatures in Christ. That's just my take on it!

  2. Thanks Jenny, I just remember seeing that curse and thinking, "for just eating an apple? Really?" Later though I wisened up. The same God that made the stars, and knows them by names, the same God that rules over the infinite armies of heaven, and not one angel dare say a thing against God, the same God that came to die for us made that curse. He could have totally, without a second thought, obliterated them in his judgement. But He continues to give them grace when they mess up, and he does the same for us :) I love my god of 1st John 4:19 "We love Him because He first loved us."
