God's Creation

God's Creation

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Genesis a rough outline of the book

Alright, I want all of the readers that read in my work to understand something.  I am no writer, I may make a few grammatical errors here and there, but I want this to be more about God and less about my grammar skills.  I am just a young college aged man who can't seem to relax his interest in the bible, and most importantly, on the Old Testament, since I feel it kind of get's left out a lot as being a part of God's Word.  Genesis is an EPIC masterpiece, but I understand something and I hope that the readers may understand it as well.  It takes ALOT of FAITH to really grasp alot of what the book is talking about to its readers.  It has incredible messages about how our faith works and about how God is to be magnified through the Works of man, and how God percieves righteousness, as well as how bad sin really is to God.  I want another thing to be addressed about Genesis, that the Greek originated term for Genesis version is "ex nihilo" which literally means "out of nothing."  3 HUGE events happen in this book, that set the main stage and course for the rest of the bible, as well as the world, in this book.  Those events are:  The fall of man and our sinful nature, The Judgement of Water via God's Flood (which actually explains much of the earth's atmospheric changes and mountain regions since the water level for days was incredibly high) and the dispersing of the Nation's of the ancient Kingdom's (our heritiage from just 3 men, and the divinine linking tracing back to Shem and the semites.)  That is really part one of Genesis, because from Abraham on the bible follows one group of people, and shows God's redemptive plan from Abraham to Jesus.  Genesis is really the mother of all bible books, without Genesis not much else of the bible makes any real sense.  One more thing to Note is that, while it isn't up for much debate, the supposed author of Genesis (supported by scriputer) is Moses.  So without further ado onto Genesis!  The greatest miracle of all... Creation :)

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