God's Creation

God's Creation

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Genesis 2 another long one

Alright onto part 2; we start off have a somewhat troubling idea of God having the need to rest in Genesis 2:2, but let's make one thing clear, this shouldn't be interpretted in the way of resting as in take a nap, but in the way a car rests at a stop light.  The car simply ceased moving (and isn't turned off), God simply ceased creating, there was nothing more he needed to create, he had claimed it all VERY GOOD.  In verse seven there is an underlying theological implication of man's worth to God, and that man shouldn't take pride in his physical earthly appearance, but that God took time to form you.  Man is all but dirt with life breathed into him, yet God, sovereign ruler over all, takes special care in weaving us... the word used is formed (Genesis 2:7)...  God being the ultimate craftsmen (read Psalms 139:14) That even from dirt, you are still worth tons to God, you are a quality lump of dirt!  Then later in 2:9 you get the two different trees, one being the Tree of Life, the name implies that this tree is special in giving eternal life, and it isn't the tree God commands not to eat from. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil implies this tree (gave humans) their morality, it was Eve's eagerness to obtain Godly Wisdom by being tricked into eating it by Satan.  It is also God's first trial to human's which Satan tricked us.  2:15 is God's way of making adam represent his image through work (the ground, at this point, wasn't cursed and Eden was literally translated as an Oasis, and gives it's exact coordinates of where it is.)  2:17 To die in this context is to be eternally seperated from God, not just physically but spiritually as well.  Later in 2:20 Adam is giving names which is believed to be man's dominion or "rule" over the animals, and as such Adam's first task.  Adam found not a suitable helper for himself and through some divine surgery by the Lord, he takes one of Adam's ribs (actually translated as "sides" this makes more sense that God got skin and bone to do his creating.)  And Adam was SOOOO happy with Eve he literaly makes the first poem ever!  Flesh of my flesh, bone of my bones she shall be called woman for she was taken out of man.  2:24 has some deep, and I mean deeep! Theological implications.  First off, this is the basic symbol of marriage between a man and woman, the way God has it intended.  Second this holy union founded by God is inseperable, in other words the words: become on flesh, and united to his wife indicate this cannot be undone.  Yes no divorce exsists through this union.  You can go continually deeper though, one flesh literally meant one physical body in all it's parts as a whole (read the grapes analogy found in Numbers 13:23), and the wholly 1 God in tri-unity (or as being described as one in Deuteronomy 6:4)  The first implication here is of course sexual implication, the becoming one flesh is the act of procreation.  But looking deeper, God did not constitute poligamy with this idea (despite much of the Old Testament leaders having many wives/concubines) but this is haha mono-igamy?  One Man, One Woman, becoming One through Marriage in Union through God.  This is God's ultimate design for us as humans in our marriage lives.  I think 2 is just to pack full of theology to be able to miss these things, I promise to start speeding this up soon, these first 2 chapters just have to much theology to pass up redily!

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