Yeah we are gonna start at a snail's pace since Genesis 1 is perhaps the coolest story told in the bible, since I want to give this some of it's epic glory back to God! So let's kick our pigs, bite our popsicles, roll up our nightgowns and go!!! Genesis 1 is the Creation story, the whole Universe starts via ex nihilio. A.K.A the Universe isn't eternal, but God isn't IN our universe, and that is the only way to be deistic (belief in God is the universe, if the Universe is eternal that belief is acceptable, but science has more than proven this theory false.) Our Universe stars, with God apart of it, in Genesis 1, and the idea is captured that the universe was created and established, and life on earth began in the course of 6 days through God'sspoken word. Again, this section requires TONS OF FAITH, and why the 6 day belief (making earth roughly 7 thousands years old) is pushed into scripture was after each day the Word says "there was evening and there was morning, the *insert day here* day." So yes you heard me, the Universe was created by our God who exsists outside of time eternally (Psalms 90:2) Also notice that God doesn't use anything other than his voice, his Word (your bible, if you want to take it that far) to create it.... WOAH that is ultimate power, our universe is amazing. The very first thing created are the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1) in the beginning, that which isn't clearly explained, isn't to be taken out of the context that material stuff was there for God to work with, it was the beginning. Next in verse 2 you get this idea that our earth had no real shape of any kind, some kind of strange floating water stuff, and dark... totally barren as well, earth was basically a wreck. the expression deep is often used by creationists evolutionist to be the primortial waters(goop which our ancestors crawled out of as fish), but there is no way of actually knowing that, or proving that. In any case, you get a shapeless world, that has water, and dark and barren, not fit for God. The Spirit of God is the Holy Spirit, yes.... God was 1 in 3 even in the beginning, the son even plays a vital role later. (Read Hebrews 1:2) Now into verse 3 God just speaks Light into exsistence, What is this Light? Hard to say, it isn't given a real shape, but light is so fitting by God to make it, the first thing established by God is totally already pointing to the fall, Light is the closest embodiment of God's glory through creation, as found in (James 1:17, and even Daniel 2:22) and it seperates darkness from light. Like God cannot be where darkness is, Sinners blackened souls cannot be with God either, unless something cleans that sin off allowing us to shine with our father, like Jesus's blood. God creates a pattern in 1:4 and 5, he divides the stuff he makes into categories like darkness into night category and light into daytime category, and then names them. This pattern was to show man how tohave dominion that God graces man with (Genesis 2:19, 20) These are the important parts of the creation story, let's jump all the way to God creating Adam. Something very important often overlooked happens in Genesis 1:26 God refers to himself as US, and OUR (that's a plural form of 1st person talk, God talks to himself being more than one, and he does this in creating Man's image.) 2 more of these happen in Genesis! 1 in Genesis 3:22, and another in Genesis 11:7. God made man in his image (From dirt, there is actually ALOT of science to back this belief), which seperates man from the animals of the earth, cause this was the only personally created being that God made, and it indicates that man is required to commune through relationships, first being God of course. In 27 he creates man and woman, both are divine in their design, but play different roles. Also this correlates that neither can reproduce without the other, once again throwing evolution for a whirl! That'll be it for today, not many chapters will be this epic, sorry!
Some more interesting points to be made in Genesis 1:
11: The Vegetables were fully grown because the seeds were alreadys inside of them, (also the prinicple of reproduction, which couldn't have been known to caveman at the time.)
11-12 according to its kind: this is to be ascribed as God made things the way they work, as well as the way they reproduce, and that is the only way the things will work. Though God was speaking about vegetables, it goes with all aspects of creation.
14: God's busiest day, God made pretty much the entire universe on this day, including our worlds, stars and our sun and moon. These were to mark the seasons, and remember that pagan idol worship could come from planets, so God made every single God that any other man had worshipped in the ancient times!
22: The first of God's blessings
28 Though incredibly similar to the first blessing, this is God's second blessing They are both, be fruitful and multiply, but man's directions in the blessing were to rule over God's creation.
29-30 Very interesting, the curse that befalls man in Genesis 3 hadn't happened yet, this indicates that both man and animal were vegetarians up until then!
6: The firmament, what does that mean? And the underfirmament?
9-10 This scripture has awesome backup by Job 38:4-11! This is totally awesome
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